Table des matières
Install "by hand" Yunohost v3.x.x.x on Raspberry Pi on a Raspbian Stretch Lite base | proofreading in progress
“YunoHost is a server operating system designed to simplify the self-hosting of Internet services. It is based on and remains fully compatible with Debian GNU/Linux.”
More details on the publisher's website
- have a Raspberry Pi ;
- have a USB keyboard connected to the Raspberry Pi ;
- an SD card compatible with the Raspberry Pi of at least 8 GB and if possible class 10 ( |;
- have an internet connection via the box or router in order to connect the Raspberry Pi ;
- have a domain name pointing to the public IP address of your Box/router. (cf, dyndns, …) or benefit from one of those made available by Yunohost :
SD card preparation
It is necessary to:
- format SD card to FAT32 ;
- download the zip file of the latest version of NOOBS Lite at this address : ;
- decompress NOOBS Lite files on SD card.
Install the SD card into the Raspberry Pi, plug in the power supply and install Raspbian Lite by choosing the language and keyboard layout.
Configuration of Raspbian Lite Stretch
and the password is raspberry
Create a STRONG password for root and re-identify as root
sudo passwd root # enter and confirm password exit # identifier : root # root password : the one you just created
Remove user pi
deluser pi
Update and clean up
apt update && apt --assume-yes dist-upgrade && apt autoclean && apt autoremove
Make sure Apache is not installed and remove it if necessary
apt autoremove apache2*
Launch the Raspberry Pi Configurator
sudo raspi-config
Update raspi-config
Menu 8
Adjust regional parameters
Menu 4 I1 to set locales (en_GB.UTF-8) I2 to set the time I3 to set the keyboard layout I4 for WiFi settings.
Change hostname
Menu 2 N1 to change the hostname raspberry to YunoHost
To check, but normally with NOOBS all the space on the SD card is available
Menu 7 A1
Normally, there will be no need for graphics rendering
Menu 7 A3 Pass value to minimum : 16
Finish and restart
sudo reboot
Retrieving local and public IP addresses, checking the update file and updating firmwares
Know your local IP address
hostname -I
Know your public IP address
Replace stable by stretch in the /etc/apt/sources.list file
sed -i's|stable|stretch|' /etc/apt/sources.list
Install the latest firmwares and restart
sudo apt update sudo rpi-update sudo reboot
Enable SSH and allow root connections in SSH
Activate SSH
raspi-config Menu 5 P2 Enable SSH
Allow root to connect in SSH and reload the SSH service
sed -i's/PermitRootLogin without-password/PermitRootLogin yes/g' /etc/ssh/sshd_config ssh reload service
Reconnect with root to SSH
ssh root@ip.rasp.berry.pi
YunoHost Installation
be run with user pi
: you must
be identified as root
Launch this order
bash <(wget -q -O-
Post-installation of YunoHost
When restarting, you just have to agree to launch the post-installation.
Otherwise the command is as follows:
yunohost tools postinstall
git config --global "you@your_domain.tld" git config --global "Your Name"
Restart the server
As a reminder
Your YunoHost administration address is https://myserver.tld/yunohost/admin/ and your YunoHost portal address is https://myserveur.tld/.
yunohost service regen-conf
To update the list of YunoHost applications :
yunohost app fetchlist
To update YunoHost applications :
yunohost app upgrade
To make a backup:
mkdir /home/yunohost.backup/archives yunohost backup create
To recover a backup from its server to the /home of its computer (with 1234 as SSH port ; with IP_or_NDD as IP address[local or not] or NDD its Domain Name ; with $USER its username ; with yyyyymmdd-hhmmss as for example 20161002-084907[backup name YunoHost]): scp -P 1234 root@IP_or_DomainName:/home/yunohost.backup/archives/yyyymmdd-hhmmss.tar.gz /home/$USER
scp -P 1234 root@IP_or_DomainName:/home/yunohost.backup/archives/ /home/$USER
Same principle as before, send a backup from the /home of your computer to your server (make sure that the archive folder exists otherwise launch a first backup or as a last resort create the root folder : mkdir /home/yunohost.backup/archives) :
scp -P 1234 /home/$USER/ root@IP_or_DomainName:/home/yunohost.backup/archives scp -P 1234 /home/$USER/yyyymmdd-hhmmss.tar.gz root@IP_or_DomainName:/home/yunohost.backup/archives
To restore a backup :
yunohost backup restore backup_name_in_YunoHost
Sources for backup :
In order for NextCloud files to be backed up in addition to the application parameters themselves, you must edit the /etc/yunohost/apps/nextcloud/settings.yml file and delete the “1” from the backup_core_only variable : nano /etc/yunohost/apps/nextcloud/settings.yml
backup_core_only: '1' becomes backup_core_only: ''
To deny access to an application to a user:
yunohost app removeaccess app -u user # and by extension : yunohost app removeaccess app1 app2 app3 -u user1 user2 user3 # to do the opposite.: yunohost app addaccess app -u user
Source :
To deactivate wifi and/or bluetooth:
To save and exit the nano editor : Ctrl+o et Ctrl+x
Edit the file fbdev-blacklist.conf (formerly raspi-blacklist.conf)
sudo nano /etc/modprobe.d/fbdev-blacklist.conf
Add these lines …
#wifi blacklist brcmfmac blacklist brcmutil #bt blacklist btbcm blacklist hci_uart
… then restart the server
Sources :
To expand the partition if necessary :
raspi-config # 1 Expand Filesystem
If it doesn't work then try this command to adapt to your partition after a df -h and/or fdisk -l
df -h fdisk -l resize2fs -p /dev/mmcblk*** # for example mmcblk0p2
You can also contribute to this project here
To go further ...
Clone the YunoHost installation script and directly install the YunoHost testing version
To go directly to the 'testing' version of YunoHost (without installing the stable version) :
bash <(wget -q -O-
Update your instance:
apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade
Specify the testing repository instead of the stable repository in the sources.list YunoHost :
echo'deb stretch stable testing' > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/yunohost.list
Update your instance (again) with testing repositories:
apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade
Source in report:
To go back and go back to stable mode
Indicate the stable deposit instead of the testing deposit:
echo'deb stretch stable' > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/yunohost.list
Updating the instance :
apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade
<important note> N.B.: Your version will only return to the stable version when new stable packages are released. </note>
Be notified by email when a ssh connection to the server :
You must install mailutils for the mail function of the script to work:
apt-get install mailutils
Next, create, or edit if it exists, the /etc/ssh/sshrc file.
sudo nano /etc/ssh/sshrc
Enter the following lines, adapting at least the reception email address :
#!/bin/sh # source: DATE=`date "+%d.%m.%Y--%Hh%Mm"` IP=`echo $SSH_CONNECTION | awk {print $1}'` REVERSE=`dig -x $IP +short`` echo "Connecting $USER to $HOSTNAME IP: $IP ReverseDNS: $REVERSE Date: $DATE " | mail -s "Connection of $USER on $HOSTNAME" me@my_domain_name.tld
Then restart ssh :
service ssh restart
Be notified by SMS when a ssh connection to the server :
#!/bin/sh # # SMS notification sending script via Free Mobile API # # # Author: DUVERGIER Claude ( # # Requires: sed, sh et wget # # Possible usages: # "All your base are belong to us" # echo "All your base are belong to us" | # uptime | ## ## Configuration système ## # End-of-line character ( NEWLINE_CHAR="%0D" # Valeurs possibles : %0A, %0D et %0D%0A # URL to access the API SMSAPI_BASEURL="" # Sending notification action SMSAPI_SEND_ACTION="sendmsg" ## ## User configuration ## # Login user / ID Free Mobile (the one used to access the Subscriber Area) USER_LOGIN="1234567890" # Identification key (generated and provided by Free Mobile via the Subscriber Area, "My Options" : API_KEY="s0me5eCre74p1K3y" # Text that will be added BEFORE each message sent MESSAGE_HEADER="Notification :${NEWLINE_CHAR}" # Text that will be added AFTER each message sent MESSAGE_FOOTER="${NEWLINE_CHAR}--${NEWLINE_CHAR}The server at home" ## ## Message Processing ## MESSAGE_TO_SEND="" if [ "$1" ]; then # Message as a command line argument MESSAGE_TO_SEND="$1" else # Message lu de STDIN while read line do MESSAGE_TO_SEND="$MESSAGE_TO_SEND$line$NEWLINE_CHAR" done MESSAGE_TO_SEND=$(echo $MESSAGE_TO_SEND | sed 's/'$NEWLINE_CHAR'$//') # Remove the last line break fi FINAL_MESSAGE_TO_SEND="$MESSAGE_HEADER$MESSAGE_TO_SEND$MESSAGE_FOOTER" # Assemble header, message ans footer ## ## Call to API (send) ## # echo "Will send the following to $USER_LOGIN:" #DEBUG # echo "$FINAL_MESSAGE_TO_SEND" #DEBUG # --insecure : Certificat $SMSAPI_BASEURL does not provide information about its owner # --write-out "%{http_code}" --silent --output /dev/null : Returns HTTP response code only HTTP_STATUS_CODE=$(curl --insecure --get "$SMSAPI_BASEURL/$SMSAPI_SEND_ACTION" --data "user=$USER_LOGIN" --data "pass=$API_KEY" --data "msg=$FINAL_MESSAGE_TO_SEND" --write-out "%{http_code}" --silent --output /dev/null) # Possible HTTP response codes # 200 : The SMS was sent to your mobile. # 400 : One of the mandatory parameters is missing. # 402 : Too many SMS messages have been sent in too little time. # 403 : The service is not activated in the subscriber area, or the login / key is incorrect. # 500 : Server side error. Please try again later. if [ "$HTTP_STATUS_CODE" -eq 200 ]; then # echo "API responded with 200: exiting with 0" #DEBUG exit 0 else echo "Error: API responded with $HTTP_STATUS_CODE" exit 1 fi
To schedule tasks, such as an update followed by an installation upgrade, you can use cron.
More details here :
This allows to ban ip addresses trying to connect “furiously”. It is installed by default on Yunohost.
sudo apt-get install fail2ban
Then, you have to edit the configuration file to give an email address to send the ban reports.
sudo nano /etc/fail2ban/jail.conf
findtime = 3600 bantime = 86400
destemail =
Still in this same file, look for the line that starts with action =
in order to add mwl
after the _
in order to have a complete report.
action =%(action_mwl)s
Then, still in the same file, in order to have the reports on the main services, you must replace false by true in the following parts :
- ssh ;
- ssh-ddos ;
Apparently, there is a lot of brute-force on sasl, so it is best to comment on this rule failregex = (?i): warning: [-._\w]+\[<HOST>\]: SASL (?:LOGIN|PLAIN|(?:CRAM|DIGEST)-MD5) authentication failed(: [A-Za-z0-9+/]*={0,2})?$ and apply this one failregex = (?i): warning: [-._\w]+\[<HOST>\]: SASL (?:LOGIN|PLAIN|(?:CRAM|DIGEST)-MD5) authentication failed: \w :
nano /etc/fail2ban/filter.d/sasl.conf #failregex = (?i): warning: [-._\w]+\[<HOST>\]: SASL (?:LOGIN|PLAIN|(?:CRAM|DIGEST)-MD5) authentication failed(: [A-Za-z0-9+/]*={0,2})?$ failregex = (?i): warning: [-._\w]+\[<HOST>\]: SASL (?:LOGIN|PLAIN|(?:CRAM|DIGEST)-MD5) authentication failed: \w
Further settings are available here :
Change the ssh listening port
Edit /etc/ssh/sshd_config :
sudo nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config
The default listening port number is 22. Choose one beyond the number 1024, for example: 12345.
Next, edit the fail2ban configuration file to tell it to listen to port 12345 instead of port 22.
sudo nano /etc/fail2ban/jail.conf
In the #JAIL section chapter [ssh] and [ssh-ddos], you have to change :
port = ssh by port = 12345
Then, it is necessary to restart the firewall, disable the old port in the firewall (a priori the 22), restart the ssh service and reload the fail2ban service :
yunohost firewall reload yunohost firewall disallow 22 sudo service ssh restart sudo fail2ban-client reload
Source :
Logwatch installation
If you want to have a history of what happened on the server the day before, just install logwatch :
sudo apt-get install logwatch sudo mkdir /var/cache/logwatch
Before modifying the configuration file, make a copy :
sudo cp /usr/share/logwatch/default.conf/logwatch.conf /etc/logwatch/conf/
Then make the changes here :
nano /etc/logwatch/conf/logwatch.conf
For example, sending reports to an email address and/or changing the level of detail of the summary generated :
MailTo = me@my.domaine.tld Detail = Med
To run logwatch in a terminal :
sudo logwatch
To go further in the configuration :
Translated with